Advantages of Practice Management Software

Practice management system is the next generation software which helps to automate major aspects of practice activities such as coding, invoicing, managing patient’s claims, scheduling meetings, maintaining records of activities, recording the financial transactions and streamlining the work flow.

advantages-of-practice-management-system1)  Patient Medication history is easily available.

As we follow the traditional way of selling medicines to patients based on the prescription of the doctors, there is one problem we encounter.We do not have the medication history of the patient in our software. Practice Management System has the power to provide the therapist the full medical background of the patient which includes their past subscriptions, the name of the salts to which the patient is allergic etc. which will help in making better medical decisions.

2)  Easier to provide Prescriptions online

Unification between the pharmacy and your practice management system will ease the communication between the doctor and the pharmacy. If the doctor wants to change the prescription of the patient he can simply select the drugs he wants to prescribe and it will in effect become the online prescription. As soon as this online prescription is submitted, the pharmacy will get a notification for new prescriptions of the patient which will avoid any confusion which may arise such as misunderstanding in reading medicine name if the hand writing is bad or otherwise.

3) No Hassle for the Patient

As soon as the patient walks out of the hospital or the clinic to the pharmacy counter, the pharmacy already has the new prescription of the patient. In most of the cases, the pharmacy keeps aside the patient’s medicines aside even before he walks to the medicine counter. The patient just has to go the pharmacy, compare the prescription with the medicines and pay the final billing amount. This will help the patient to avoid the hassle of standing at the pharmacy counter and wait for their turn. In fact, this will increase the satisfaction level of the patient.

4) Reduced Prescription Risk

Unification between the pharmacy and the practice management system at your clinic will help you to alter prescriptions as and when needed, this will reduce the risk and help in providing comprehensive and effective medical care. Whenever there is a doubt regarding prescribing a certain drug to the patient, with a few clicks you can easily see if this medicine has any high-risk drug or if it has any reaction with the current prescription of the patient.

5) More Profits.

Consider an example: the doctor prescribes the medicine to the patient and hands over the prescription. Now, it is the choice of the patient if he wants to buy from your pharmacy or go elsewhere to buy the medicines. There is a high chance of revenue leakage in this process. But with automation, the patient’s prescription automatically goes to the desired pharmacy and the patient buys from it. This makes the process a complete package which results in high satisfaction for the patient and higher revenue for the pharmacy, which is a win win for both.

The practice management system is a complete solution which is transforming the patient’s medicine buying behavior and making the pharmacy &clinic into the center of excellence.

If you are a pharmacist or a clinician and want to implement a robust and agile practice management system in your clinic, reach out to CareData Inc. for a solution. Visit our website to know more.

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